Abandoned Dog Rescued After Two Weeks of Isolation at a Prison

Written by Kathrine Frich

Sep.29 - 2024 9:19 AM CET

Photo: Facebook
Photo: Facebook
The moment the dog saw the rescuer, she ran off once again, too frightened to let her guard down.

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For two long weeks, a small dog wandered alone in the parking lot of a prison, terrified and unwilling to let anyone near her.

Feed by Prison Staff

The prison staff did what they could — leaving food and even providing a small bed for her — but the little dog, too frightened to trust, kept her distance. Every time someone looked her way, she would run off in fear.

Suzette Hall, a dedicated animal rescuer, couldn't bear the thought of this dog spending day after day isolated and afraid. "It broke my heart thinking about her being out there all alone," Hall shared on her Facebook page.

She immediately set out to rescue the dog and put an end to her isolation.

Runs Away From Rescuers

When Hall arrived late one night, she spotted the tiny dog asleep in her makeshift bed, looking incredibly vulnerable. "Seeing her in that little bed broke my heart," Hall said. But the moment the dog saw her, she ran off once again, too frightened to let her guard down.

Realizing the dog wouldn’t come on her own, Hall set a humane trap and then stepped away to hide, giving the little dog space. After about 15 minutes, the dog cautiously returned. “When I came back, there she was, safely in the trap,” Hall shared with relief. “I cried, knowing her two weeks of fear and loneliness were finally over.”

Thanks to Hall's quick thinking and patience, the dog was finally safe. After surviving two weeks of isolation in a prison parking lot, the small dog no longer has to live in fear and will soon find a forever home where she can feel secure and loved.