German Zookeeper Accused of Abusing Elephant with Slingshot

Written by Kathrine Frich

Sep.20 - 2024 12:19 PM CET

Photo: Shutterstock
Photo: Shutterstock
PETA reported the incident to both the zoo administration and the veterinary authority.

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The Leipzig Zoo is under scrutiny following serious allegations from PETA that a zookeeper abused an elephant using a slingshot.

Concerned About Animal Treatment

The incident reportedly occurred earlier this year when the elephant refused to transition between outdoor and indoor enclosures.

PETA claims the zookeeper shot the elephant with the slingshot and has a history of using a bullhook to inflict injury on the animals, according to Tag24.

PETA spokespersons have raised concerns about the treatment of animals at the zoo, stating that the behavior exhibited by the zookeeper is indicative of broader issues related to animal welfare.

They reported the incident to both the zoo administration and the veterinary authority for further investigation.

Not Intentionally Endagered

In response, the Leipzig Zoo has vehemently denied these allegations.

Spokesperson Melanie Ginzel stated that the portrayal of the incident as one involving violent behavior and bloody injuries is unfounded.

The zoo acknowledges that there was an instance of misconduct, but emphasizes that it did not intentionally endanger the well-being of the animal or cause any injuries.

The controversy has sparked a wider discussion about the ethical treatment of animals in captivity, particularly in zoos. Animal welfare organizations like PETA are increasingly vocal about their concerns, pushing for reforms in how animals are cared for in such environments.

As the investigation continues, the Leipzig Zoo is under pressure to ensure the safety and welfare of its animals, while also addressing public concerns about the integrity of its staff and the treatment of the creatures in its care.