Which is more Accurate: The Speed Shown on the Car's Display or GPS Speed?

Written by Henrik Rothen

Sep.25 - 2024 8:51 PM CET

Foto: Wiki Commons
Foto: Wiki Commons
Which is more trustworthy - your car's speedometer or your GPS? The answer might surprise you.

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Currently, Google Maps navigation system can display the speed at which the car is moving. However, many people wonder why the speed shown on the map differs from the speed displayed on the car's dashboard.

Which speed is more accurate? In this article,we give you the answer.

Which is more precise: Car dashboard speed or GPS speed?

Typically, speed based on GPS signal detection is more accurate than the speed shown on the car's dashboard.

This is not a coincidence but intentional by car manufacturers.

Reasons why GPS speed is more accurate

The GPS system works by receiving signals from multiple satellites, allowing it to calculate the position and speed of the vehicle accurately.

It also doesn't depend on car equipment that might cause speed discrepancies, such as tire circumference, speedometer needle calibration, etc.

However, the speed displayed on GPS cannot be 100% real-time like the speedometer, as it requires signal detection and speed calculation before displaying the result to the user.

But when the speed is constant, the speed shown on GPS will be more accurate.

Why is the speed shown on the car dashboard inaccurate?

Usually, car manufacturers set the speed on the car's speedometer to display a slightly higher value than the actual speed.

This is to prevent drivers from exceeding the legal speed limit. There are also other factors that may cause speed inaccuracies, such as changing wheels and tires that alter the circumference, which will also affect the displayed speed.