Bruce Springsteen Forced to Pause Tour Due to Vocal Cord Issues

Written by Henrik Rothen

May.27 - 2024 9:58 AM CET

Springsteen pauses tour due to vocal issues, but hopes to return soon.

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Bruce Springsteen has hit a bump in the road during his world tour.

The iconic singer has been forced to cancel several concerts due to problems with his vocal cords, as he announced on Instagram.

Unexpected Cancellations

The vocal cord issues first surfaced during Springsteen's world tour, leading to the last-minute cancellation of his concert in Marseille.

This unexpected development has necessitated a ten-day rest period for the singer's voice, resulting in further cancellations of shows in Prague and Milan.

Despite these setbacks, the mood in Springsteen's camp remains positive.

"Bruce is recovering, and he and The E Street Band look forward to resuming their highly successful European tour on June 12th in Madrid," stated a hopeful post on Instagram.

Fans Disappointed but Hopeful

While these cancellations have disappointed many fans, there is still optimism for future performances. Notably, the concert scheduled in Denmark on July 9th at Dyrskuepladsen in Odense is expected to proceed as planned, provided Springsteen's recovery continues smoothly.

Springsteen's message to his fans underlines his determination to return to the stage as soon as possible.

For now, fans can only hope for a speedy recovery for "The Boss" and look forward to his return to the spotlight.