How to Prune Your Hydrangeas for Gorgeous Blooms Next Year

Written by Camilla Jessen

Oct.18 - 2024 7:19 PM CET

Here’s what you need to know to preserve their beauty and prevent overgrowth.

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Hydrangeas are a stunning addition to any garden, but if you want those big, beautiful blooms year after year, a little pruning is essential. Not only does it help your hydrangeas stay healthy, but it also prevents them from growing too wild and taking over your garden.

As T-Online points out, without regular trimming, some hydrangeas can grow up to three meters tall.

While that sounds impressive, it could cause problems—your towering plant might block sunlight from reaching other flowers, or worse, stop blooming as much.

Pruning Basics: Know Your Hydrangea

Before you get those garden shears out, it’s important to know which type of hydrangea you’re dealing with. Different types need different care:

  1. Panic/Lilac Hydrangea & Snowball Hydrangea: These varieties like a good chop in fall or early spring. Trim the older stems down to short stumps with a few buds, so new, flowering shoots can take their place next spring.

  2. Garden Hydrangea: These are more delicate! They form their flower buds in autumn, so only remove the old flowers, and if you want to give it a refresh, cut the oldest stems near the ground to encourage new growth.

By getting the timing and technique right, you’ll keep your hydrangeas blooming beautifully—and looking neat—for years to come.