Say Goodbye to Rats with These 3 Garden Plants

Written by Camilla Jessen

Sep.25 - 2024 7:26 PM CET

Photo: Pixabay
Photo: Pixabay
As the colder months approach, rats and mice may look to your home for warmth. Fortunately, these three plants can help naturally keep them away from your garden and home.

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As temperatures drop and winter draws near, rats and mice often seek out warm spaces, including homes, sheds, and gardens.

Rather than relying on harmful chemicals to keep them at bay, you can use natural repellents in the form of plants that rats dislike.

According to DailyRecord, these three plants can help protect your garden and home from unwanted guests.

Mint: A Natural Repellent

Mint is known for its strong aroma, which rats find unpleasant.

Planting mint in your garden or near entry points to your home can help deter them. The scent of mint can also mask the smell of food, making your garden less attractive to rats.

However, mint spreads rapidly, so it’s best to plant it in pots to keep it from overtaking other plants.

Marigolds: Colorful Protection

Marigolds not only brighten up your garden but also act as a natural deterrent for rats.

Their scent is repulsive to rodents, making them a great addition to vegetable or flower beds for extra protection.

The bold colors of marigolds also serve as a visual barrier, as rats tend to avoid brightly colored areas.

Daffodils: Toxic Properties

Daffodils are another excellent option for keeping rats away. Their toxic alkaloids and strong scent are natural repellents for rodents.

Planting daffodils between September and November ensures they establish themselves before winter. Use them to create a protective perimeter around your garden to keep rats out.