Finding a snake in your yard can be an unnerving experience, especially if it seems to have taken a liking to your property. While snakes play a crucial role in maintaining a balanced ecosystem, controlling rodent populations, and contributing to biodiversity, their presence in your garden or lawn might not be your ideal scenario.
One primary reason snakes may find your yard attractive is the presence of open holes, such as abandoned gopher burrows, which offer ready-made homes for these reptiles.
The Lure of Open Burrows
Snakes are always on the lookout for the perfect shelter, and an abandoned gopher hole is like a ready-made home with all the conveniences they need. These burrows offer snakes a safe haven for rest, digestion, and even a secure place to lay their eggs, away from predators and human activity.
Given that snakes lack the limbs to dig out their own burrows, these pre-existing holes are especially attractive.

An abandoned gopher hole is an open invitation for snakes (Photo: Wikimedia Commons)
Securing Your Garden
If you notice these holes and want to deter snakes from settling in, there are several steps you can take:
Wait for any current snake residents to leave on their own accord to avoid any direct confrontations.
Fill the holes with dirt to remove the open invitation to snakes.
For a more permanent solution, covering holes with materials such as burlap or chicken wire can prevent reoccupation by rodents or snakes.
Other Attractants in Your Yard
Besides open burrows, other garden features may inadvertently invite snakes. Wood piles, leaf piles, and stacks of lumber can all serve as enticing shelters for snakes seeking a quiet place to hide. By keeping wood neatly covered and disposing of garden waste promptly, you can reduce the appeal of your yard to these reptiles.
Moreover, an overgrown garden provides snakes with ample hiding spots. Maintaining a tidy yard with well-trimmed grass and bushes minimizes the available shelters for snakes, making your garden less attractive to them.
While encountering a snake in your garden can be a surprising experience, remember that most common garden snakes are nonvenomous and prefer to keep to themselves.