7 Signs You're Eating Too Much Sugar

Written by Henrik Rothen

Mar.11 - 2024 8:39 AM CET

Photo: Shutterstock.com
Photo: Shutterstock.com
Are you unsure whether you're consuming too much sugar? Here are seven signs that you might be.

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We often hear about weight gain, tight clothes, and cavities as clear indicators that should be enough to curb our sugar addiction. However, there are other significant factors that deserve your attention.

Who doesn't enjoy a bit of chocolate, a cookie, or perhaps a sweet dessert? This message is not aimed at casual indulgers but rather at those who consume excessive amounts of sugar daily.

Since our bodies reflect our dietary habits, here are the most common signs indicating a high sugar intake. Beyond weight gain and dental issues, there are seven common effects of consuming large amounts of sugar.

Acne: The more sugar you eat, the higher your chances of experiencing skin issues, including acne. Science has repeatedly pointed out the link between sugar consumption and an increased propensity for this condition.

Fatigue: Cutting out sugar can lead to headaches, drowsiness, or discomfort. Consuming a lot of sugar without balancing it with a nutritious diet is likely to result in a loss of energy. The best way to break this addiction is by gradually reducing your daily sugar intake.

High Blood Pressure: A high sugar intake can raise your blood pressure to levels considered above normal.

High Cholesterol: Sugar increases the levels of various fats circulating in the blood. This quieter sign of sugar consumption demands considerable attention, as sugar can lower the so-called 'good cholesterol' (HDL) and increase 'bad cholesterol' (LDL).

Exhaustion after Exertion: If you find physical exercise increasingly challenging, it might be due to too much sugar in your diet. Sugar provides a quick energy boost followed by a sharp decline, leading to exhaustion.

Depressive Mood: Numerous scientific studies have linked sugar consumption with an increased risk of depression. This is because a diet high in sugar raises the body's inflammation levels, which is also associated with higher levels of depression.

Constant Hunger: Foods rich in sugar but low in protein are quickly used up by the body. Opting for sugary foods often leads to a lack of satiety, making you feel constantly hungry.