The Hidden Threat to Health: Harvard Expert on Toxic Productivity

Written by Camilla Jessen

Jul.24 - 2024 2:24 PM CET

The invisible enemy of our health.

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Many people feel burned out and exhausted.

Natalie Dattilo, a psychologist at Harvard University, explains that one particular thought significantly contributes to this condition: the constant fear of not achieving enough.

As reported by Freundin, Dattilo calls this mindset "toxic productivity," which leads people to prioritize their never-ending to-do lists at the expense of their well-being.

Real-Life Examples

For example, a medical student confessed to feeling like he wasn't working hard enough unless he was on the verge of a breakdown.

A business manager feels anxious while waiting to pick up her children from school because she thinks she's wasting valuable time.

Similarly, a software engineer sometimes skips meals for fear of falling behind.

Dattilo notes that toxic productivity is not an official diagnosis, but it can still significantly affect physical and mental health.

Recognizing the Signs

The most common symptoms include anxiety, depression, burnout, insomnia, and self-esteem problems.

Three signs of toxic productivity are:

  1. Constantly feeling on the go and never having enough time: This relentless pace can lead to chronic stress and exhaustion.

  2. Feeling guilty or ashamed for not getting enough done: This can create a negative cycle of self-criticism and decreased motivation.

  3. Determining your self-worth by productivity: When productivity defines one's value, it can result in a perpetual sense of inadequacy and unfulfillment.

Toxic productivity is an invisible but powerful enemy that undermines health and well-being. Recognizing the signs and addressing this mindset can help prevent burnout and promote a healthier, more balanced life.