For many people, a trip to McDonald's is a small but satisfying indulgence. However, a viral video from a 20-year-old McDonald's employee in the U.S. has sparked debate over how the fast food giant actually prepares its meals.
"We Just Heat Up the Food"
According to a report by The Mirror, the young woman took to TikTok to reveal what really happens in McDonald's kitchens.
In the video, which has already been viewed over 238,000 times, she claims that employees don’t actually cook the food — they simply heat it up.
She then shows sealed packages of pre-made scrambled eggs, round pancakes, and egg-sausage-vegetable burrito mix, explaining that these ingredients arrive fully prepared and are only warmed up before serving.
The revelation sparked mixed reactions online.
Some McDonald’s customers were outraged, feeling deceived by the high prices charged for food that is not freshly prepared. Others, however, said the video confirmed their long-held suspicions about how McDonald's operates.
One TikTok user criticized the company for charging premium prices for pre-made food, while others defended the brand.
The McDonald's employee responded to the backlash, saying: "Complaining about the prices while still paying for the food is contradictory. What exactly are they upset about? They still want the food and keep choosing to eat there."
Several former McDonald’s employees joined the conversation, claiming that food preparation used to be different.
"Wow, I feel really old. We used to make the eggs, the burrito mix, and the pancakes ourselves," one person wrote.
The debate raises an important question: Has McDonald's approach to food preparation improved efficiency, or has it cheapened the fast-food experience?