This Is What Your Sleeping Position Says About Your Personality

Written by Camilla Jessen

Oct.31 - 2024 9:42 PM CET

Relaxed or maybe a bit wary? Experts believe the way you sleep reveals more than you think.

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Most of us don’t give much thought to how we position ourselves when we drift off, but experts now suggest that your sleeping position may offer insights into your personality.

According to The Mirror, the research is still in its early stages, but intriguing patterns are beginning to emerge.

In the 1970s, sleep researcher Samuel Dunkell began exploring the connection between sleep positions and personality traits. His findings suggest that those who sleep curled up in the fetal position tend to be more anxious and sensitive.

If you sleep in a semi-fetal position, Dunkell’s research indicates that you’re “at ease”—emotionally balanced and resilient.

For side sleepers with arms and legs outstretched, you’re likely social and enjoy interacting with others. But be cautious, as sleep researcher Chris Idzikowski notes that this openness can sometimes make you a bit gullible.

What about those who sleep on their backs with arms and legs spread wide? Experts say these individuals are attentive listeners and always ready to help.

If you sleep on your back with your arms at your sides, you’re likely reserved and quiet, with high standards and a touch of perfectionism.

Finally, for those who sleep on their stomachs with arms and legs sprawled out, Idzikowski suggests that this position signals a social and bold personality, though it also indicates a sensitivity to criticism and intense situations.

So the next time you crawl into bed, think about what your sleeping position might be saying about you.