Clinton compares Trump to Hitler - A second Trump presidency could 'end our country'"

Written by Jeppe W

Nov.09 - 2023 11:27 AM CET


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Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has voiced a grave concern about the implications of Donald Trump winning a second term as President.

Speaking on "The View," Clinton expressed her fears candidly, stating, "I think it would be the end of our country as we know it."

Her warning is not made lightly, as she reflects on the profound changes a second Trump presidency could bring.

Despite her defeat in the 2016 presidential election, Clinton initially tried to give Trump a chance.

However, she quickly saw her worries materialize, citing his constant accusations against others, fabricating facts, and even denying the size of the crowd at his inauguration.

Clinton pointed out that during his first term, Trump was somewhat restrained due to some of the people he had appointed.

But she fears that if re-elected in 2024, the resulting damage could be catastrophic, potentially leading to the erosion of democratic institutions and values.

Drawing parallels with other leaders who have been elected only to suppress opposition, eliminate free press, and hold on to power indefinitely, Clinton highlighted Adolf Hitler as an example of a leader who was initially elected but later turned dictatorial.

She emphasized that Trump has been vocal about his intentions, which include punishing those who disagree with him, suppressing legitimate press, and undermining the rule of law and the nation's values.

See Hillary Clinton on "The View" comparing trump to "Hitler" Below: