Controversial Party Lands Russian Rapper in Jail, Now Summoned by Military

Written by Jeppe W

Jan.09 - 2024 10:25 AM CET

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Russian rapper Vacio, real name Nikolai Vasiliev, found himself in legal turmoil after attending a controversial party, only to be served with a military summons while in jail.

Vacio recently made headlines for his participation in TV presenter Nastya Ivleeva's "almost naked" party in Moscow, an event that has since sparked widespread public debate and legal consequences.

According to the Russian newspaper Moskovsky Komsomolets, and as cited by Alexey Lobarev, a member of Russia’s Public Oversight Commission, Vacio is currently serving a jail sentence for his involvement in the party.

The rapper, who initially faced a 15-day jail term followed by an additional 10-day sentence, expressed regret over his participation in the event. He claimed to have been "set up" by individuals who removed his sock, his only article of clothing at the party.

During his incarceration, members of the Public Oversight Commission visited Vacio, where he shared his experiences and sentiments about the incident. Amidst this, the rapper’s lawyer revealed that following his initial detention, Vacio was taken to a military conscription office and served with a summons to report for duty on January 9.

However, Vacio's situation regarding the military service is complex. Moskovsky Komsomolets notes that he will still be in jail on the day he is due to report for duty. Additionally, it is reported that he previously did not pass a medical examination for military service, making it unlikely that he will be required to serve.

The “almost naked” party, hosted by Nastya Ivleeva at Moscow’s “Mutabor” nightclub, became a focal point of controversy after photos and videos from the event circulated on social media.

The party drew criticism from conservative activists and pundits, leading to a court ruling recognizing the event as “propaganda of non-traditional sexual relations.” Consequently, Vacio and other guests, including notable actors and musicians, began issuing apologies for their participation. Besides his arrests on misdemeanor charges, Vacio also faced a fine for a charge related to “LGBT propaganda.”

This series of events highlights the ongoing cultural and legal tensions in Russia surrounding public expression, sexual orientation, and the role of celebrities in shaping societal norms. Vacio's case, in particular, reflects the complexities and challenges artists face in navigating the intersection of creative expression and societal expectations.