Devastating incident: Grandfather ran over his 18-month-old grandson with a tractor

Written by Henrik Rothen

Sep.19 - 2023 3:11 PM CET

The family is completely devastated.

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In a devastating incident in Krotoszyn County, Poland, a grandfather accidentally ran over his 18-month-old grandson with a tractor.

According to, the young boy could not be saved despite immediate medical attention.

The accident occurred on Monday at a farm in the Kobylin commune.

Piotr Szczepaniak, the press officer for the Krotoszyn police, provided details of the tragic event.

"Preliminary investigations indicate that the 67-year-old man was performing agricultural work when he ran over the 18-month-old boy, who was directly behind the tractor under yet-to-be-determined circumstances," said Szczepaniak in a conversation with the Polish Press Agency.

Ongoing Investigation

The police have already conducted several actions to determine the cause of the accident.

Szczepaniak emphasized that the prosecutor's office has initiated an investigation to thoroughly clarify the sequence of this tragic event.