Extreme Heat Claims 33 Lives During India's Marathon Election

Written by Henrik Rothen

Jun.02 - 2024 9:24 AM CET

Foto: Wiki Commons
Foto: Wiki Commons
Extreme heatwave during India's marathon election claims 33 lives in Uttar Pradesh.

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The final day of India's six-week-long parliamentary election saw tragedy as a severe heatwave claimed the lives of 33 people in a single state.

Sweltering Temperatures Amid Election Marathon

Throughout the election period, India faced soaring temperatures that reached over 40 degrees Celsius on multiple days.

On the final voting day, temperatures in several areas hit a blistering 48 degrees.

arlier in the week, a thermometer in a suburb of New Delhi recorded a staggering 52.3 degrees Celsius.

The casualties occurred in the northern state of Uttar Pradesh, where the deceased were working in various election-related roles, including security and cleaning staff.

Navdeep Rinwa, the official overseeing the election organization in Uttar Pradesh, confirmed these tragic events.

Compensation for Bereaved Families

In a statement, Rinwa announced that the families of those who died would receive compensation of 1.5 million Indian rupees (approximately $17.800). This gesture aims to provide some relief to the grieving families.

The heatwave also claimed the life of a voter in the city of Ballia. According to Rinwa, the individual collapsed while waiting in line to vote and was pronounced dead upon arrival at the hospital.

While the exact number of heat-related fatalities during the election remains unclear, there have been additional reports of deaths connected to the extreme temperatures.

The conditions have made this election one of the most challenging in recent history.

Modi Confident in Re-election

Despite the extreme conditions, voter turnout remained high. As the last ballots were cast on Saturday, exit polls compiled by NDTV suggested that Prime Minister Narendra Modi's alliance is poised to secure a majority in the lower house of parliament.

Modi expressed his confidence on social media platform X, stating,

"I can confidently say that a record number of Indians have voted to re-elect the NDA government."

The final vote count is expected to be completed by Tuesday, June 4th.