Following court ruling: Planned parenthood resumes abortion services

Written by Henrik Rothen

Sep.17 - 2023 10:42 PM CET

Photo: Wikipedia Commons
Photo: Wikipedia Commons
Planned parenthood resumes abortion services.

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In a move celebrated by reproductive rights advocates and Democratic leaders, Planned Parenthood of Wisconsin (PPWI) announced it will resume abortion services at its Madison and Milwaukee clinics.

The decision follows a recent court ruling that clarified the status of an 1849 Wisconsin law, which had led PPWI to suspend abortion care.

Dane County Judge Diane Schlipper ruled that the 1849 law, which had been a point of contention, only applies to feticide and not to consensual medical abortions.

This ruling has allowed PPWI to reinstate its full range of sexual and reproductive healthcare services.

"With the court's recent confirmation, we can now provide comprehensive care to anyone in Wisconsin who needs it," said Tanya Atkinson, PPWI president and CEO.

The suspension of abortion services had forced many Wisconsin residents to either continue with unwanted pregnancies, manage abortions themselves, or seek care in other states.

Dr. Allie Linton, PPWI associate medical director, emphasized the importance of resuming services:

"Patients can now receive the comprehensive, high-quality, nonjudgmental care they deserve."

Democratic Wisconsin Governor Tony Evers welcomed the decision, stating that he will continue to fight for reproductive freedom in the state.

The ruling also received applause from other Democratic leaders, including U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin and Congresswoman Gwen Moore.