Humiliated Putin Begging North Korea For Help

Written by Henrik Rothen

Jan.07 - 2024 11:58 AM CET

According to the head of the British Defense Ministry, Grant Shapps, Putin is on his knees begging for weapons from North Korea.

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Moscow is practically backed into a corner. The demand of Vladimir Putin's army for military materials exceeds Russia's capabilities. As a result of sanctions and problems on the front, Putin has been forced to "beg North Korea for help."

"The world has turned away from Russia, forcing Putin into humiliation and to turn to North Korea to continue the illegal invasion. He has to beg for help," wrote Grant Shapps, head of the British Defense Ministry on X.

As the British politician added, North Korea's support for Russia must end.

"Together with our partners, we will ensure that North Korea pays a high price for supporting Russia," the minister concluded in his post.

North Korean Ships Sail to the Danube

North Korea regularly supports Vladimir Putin's regime in the invasion of Ukraine. As revealed in the autumn of 2023 by "The Washington Post", two ships are traveling between the North Korean port of Rajin and military installations in the seaside settlement of Danube in Russia's Maritime Province in the Far East. From August to October, the units had made at least five round trips.

What were the ships transporting? That is unknown. American intelligence noted that during the recent missile strikes on Ukrainian cities, at least one North Korean ballistic missile was launched.

Washington also warns that Russia is close to an agreement with Iran regarding more short-range missiles.

Why Russia Seeks Such Exotic Allies

Since much of the world has distanced itself from Russia following the invasion of Ukraine in 2022, Putin and Russia have been forced to seek other allies.

Consequently, Russia is looking towards more 'exotic' countries such as North Korea, Iran, Saudi Arabia, and several African nations.