Intense Strikes on Zaporizhzhia Region

Written by Camilla Jessen

Jun.03 - 2024 7:48 AM CET

Photo: Sodel Vladyslav /
Photo: Sodel Vladyslav /
The enemy struck the Zaporizhzhia region 420 times in one day.

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The Zaporizhzhia region endured numerous attacks yesterday, as confirmed by Ivan Fedorov, the head of Zaporizhzhia's Oblast Military Administration, via a report on Telegram.

Throughout the day, the area was struck 420 times, with eight settlements coming under intense enemy fire.

"The enemy launched airstrikes on Novoandriivka, Malynivka, and Levadny. Additionally, 178 UAVs of various modifications targeted Gulyaipole, Levadne, Robotyne, Mala Tokmachka, Malynivka, and Novoandriivka. Gulyaipole, Robotine, Mala Tokmachka, and Novye Zaporizhzhia (Pologivskyi district) suffered 15 shellings from an anti-aircraft missile system. A total of 224 artillery shells bombarded the territories of Gulyaipole, Malaya Tokmachka, Novoandriyivka, Robotyny, Levadny, Malynivka, and Stepnohirsk," Fedorov reported.

The bombardment resulted in the destruction of four homes. Remarkably, there were no civilian injuries reported.

Earlier last week, it was also reported that the Russian army targeted energy facilities in Zaporizhzhia, escalating tensions in the region.