Kremlin denies accusations

Written by Henrik Rothen

Oct.18 - 2023 1:38 PM CET

Kremlin denies accusations.

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Russia has refuted allegations that North Korea is supplying it with weapons for the ongoing conflict in Ukraine. Kremlin spokesperson Dmitry Peskov dismissed the claims, stating that they are not based on evidence.

According to the denial comes after John Kirby, spokesperson for the U.S. National Security Council, reported that North Korea had delivered up to 1,000 containers of "equipment and ammunition" to Russia between September 7 and October 1.

The White House expressed concerns over the expanding military relationship between North Korea and Russia.

No evidence, says Kremlin

Peskov emphasized that the allegations are constantly being reported but lack concrete evidence. "They keep reporting on this—they provide no evidence," Peskov said. He also mentioned that Russia aims to further develop its relations with North Korea.

The U.S. has expressed its apprehensions about the growing military relationship between North Korea and Russia. Kirby stated that satellite images have likely shown ships loaded with North Korean weapons arriving in Russia. "We condemn North Korea for providing Russia with this military equipment," Kirby added.

Satellite images have played a crucial role in these allegations, as they purportedly show ships laden with North Korean weapons docking in Russian ports. This adds another layer to the international scrutiny over Russia's military activities.

The Kremlin's denial and the U.S. allegations highlight the complexities and sensitivities surrounding international military relationships, especially in the context of the ongoing conflict in Ukraine.