PA will pay $2,789,430 to families of 1,500 dead Hamas terrorist murderers

Written by Jeppe W

Oct.16 - 2023 12:50 PM CET

Photo: Shotterstuck
Photo: Shotterstuck
In addition, the PA will pay $17,590 in salaries to 50 new Hamas prisoners

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According to Palestinian Media Watch, the PA (Palestinian Authority) will pay $2,789,430 to families of the 1,500 dead Hamas terrorist murderers, this month. In addition, the PA will pay $17,590 in salaries to 50 new Hamas prisoners, this month.

Under Palestinian Authority law, every terrorist who is killed attacking Israel is defined as a “Martyr” whose family is immediately rewarded by the PA with a 6,000 shekels ($1,511) grant and a 1,400 ($353) per month allowance for life. 

The total PA monthly payment will be $2,807,021 this month to reward Hamas terrorists for last week’s massacre.

In addition, the 50 captured Hamas terrorist murderers will receive monthly salaries in prison starting at 1,400 shekels/month which will eventually rise to 12,000 shekels/month. Terrorists who are married and have children will receive even higher salaries.

Under the current ‘pay-for-slay’ scheme, called the "Martyrs’ Fund" by the PA, terrorists receive monetary payments as a reward for acts of terror. The more damage an attack causes, the higher the terrorist or the terrorist’s family is paid.

Not suprisingly, the Martyrs’ Fund has drawn international condemnation and poses significant challenges to the prospects of peace in the region.

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