Poland Sounds the Alarm Over Possible New Russian Attack on Europe

Written by Henrik Rothen

Jan.05 - 2024 1:26 PM CET

Photo: Shutterstock.com
Photo: Shutterstock.com
The Polish Prime Minister has sent an appeal to NATO.

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Polands Prime Minister has together with Foreign Minister Radoslaw Sikorski, sent a corresponding appeal to NATO. On December 29th, 2023, and January 2nd, 2024, when Russia launched massive strikes on the civilian population of Ukraine, the Poles saw that Putin would stop at nothing, ready to continue and even intensify missile terror, regardless of the cost.

Europe must come to its senses and increase aid to Ukraine – this is the primary message of Prime Minister Tusk.

"We, together with Foreign Minister Radoslaw Sikorski, have prepared such an initiative, a call to consider the needs of the European arms industry. Europe is significantly lagging here. We want to mobilize and use all available diplomatic means and persuasion to make the entire EU understand that without radically strengthened military efforts, we will remain far behind, which means one thing: Europe is under direct Russian attack within the next few years," said Tusk according to tsn.ua.

Will Putin Attack Nato Country This Year?

In the EU, particularly Eastern European countries, have always feared Moscow, but since 2014 the situation has worsened, and in 2022 Putin crossed the Rubicon.

As reported by Bild, one of the European studies directly looms: there is a scenario in which Putin, by the intersection of 2024 and 2025, will invade one of the NATO countries. It would be easiest for him to enter the Baltic countries: Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania, which were Soviet in the past and have a specific geographical position – they are easily cut off from allies by land.

Precisely because of their Soviet history, Latvia is now actively trying to deport Russians who moved during the Soviet era and have not received Latvian citizenship, largely due to their reluctance to learn the language and history of the country.

Meanwhile, Lithuania has begun to consider closing all Russian schools in the country. Both countries thus aim to distance themselves significantly from their past with Russia.