Politician ousted from government party after disclosure of relationship with 15-year-old girl: Her parents approved the relationship

Written by Henrik Rothen

Nov.20 - 2023 6:51 PM CET

Photo: Danish government / Shutterstock.com
Photo: Danish government / Shutterstock.com
Her parents approved the relationship.

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In what can only be described as an extremely bizarre case from Denmark, the governing party, the Moderates, has decided to expel the 28-year-old politician Mike Villa Fonseca from their ranks.

This move comes after revelations that the 28-year-old, who until recently served as the cultural and domestic affairs spokesperson for the government party, is in a relationship with a 15-year-old girl.

The relationship was not known to either party colleagues or the Danish public, and the politician was expelled from the party due to the Moderates' established rules prohibiting relationships with individuals under 18 years of age.

This is despite the fact that Danish law actually allows for relationships with individuals as young as 15 years old.

The disclosure of the relationship with the girl has caused an uproar among the Danish population, especially after it was revealed that the politician has been a family friend since the girl was 10 years old, and that her parents have endorsed the relationship.

A tough future in Danish politics

According to several Danish media outlets, the parents have recently spoken about the relationship, acknowledging its unusual nature due to the age difference. However, they believe the relationship is beneficial for both parties.

Mike Villa Fonseca, however, is expected to face a difficult future in Danish politics. Several major parties, including the Social Democrats, Venstre, Liberal Alliance, and the Danish People's Party, have already stated that he will not be welcomed into their ranks. Considering the public sentiment in Denmark, it appears unlikely that he will garner many personal votes in the next Danish election.

Additionally, the police have confirmed that a report has been filed against the 28-year-old politician in connection with grooming.

The relationship with the young woman is alleged to have begun when she was in her 8th year of school.

Mike Villa Fonseca has been on sick leave since the story broke over the weekend.

Something similar happened i 2004

This is not the first time a case like this has hit Danish politics. Back in 2004, the then 34-year-old Jeppe Kofoed from the Social Democrats was at a party in the Danish city of Esbjerg, where it emerged that he had engaged in sexual intercourse with a 15-year-old girl from the party's youth division.

The case received massive media coverage, and the public was decidedly critical of the politician. However, his future turned out differently. Until the end of last year, he was serving as the Foreign Minister of Denmark.

The only difference between then and now is that Jeppe Kofoed was not in a committed relationship with the girl, which is the case for Mike Villa Fonseca.