Putin Orders Ukrainians to Leave Russia by September

Written by Camilla Jessen

Mar.21 - 2025 6:44 AM CET

Photo: Gil Corzo / Shutterstock.com
Photo: Gil Corzo / Shutterstock.com
A new decree signed by Vladimir Putin requires Ukrainian citizens in Russia without legal residency to exit the country.

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Russian President Vladimir Putin has signed a decree mandating that Ukrainian citizens without legal grounds to remain in Russia must leave the country by September 10, 2025.

The order was signed on March 10.

It refers back to an earlier December 2024 decree that required all foreign nationals in Russia to regularize their status by April 30, 2025, or leave.

Ukrainians still living in Russia without documentation after the September deadline risk detention or forced deportation.

The latest order appears to be part of a broader effort by Moscow to pressure Ukrainians in occupied areas to either accept Russian citizenship or leave, while also encouraging Russian nationals to settle in these regions.

The decree also outlines new rules for foreigners and stateless individuals living in the occupied territories of Ukraine, requiring them to undergo medical screenings by June 10, 2025.

As part of the process, they must provide documents to Russia’s Ministry of Internal Affairs confirming they are free from drug or psychotropic substance use, infectious diseases, and HIV—conditions deemed a threat to public health.

Meanwhile, a bipartisan group of U.S. lawmakers recently introduced a congressional resolution reaffirming that the United States does not recognize and will not support any claims by Russia over Ukrainian territories under occupation.