Russia Signals Interest in Restoring Relations with Europe, Says Deputy Zhurova

Written by Henrik Rothen

Apr.25 - 2024 2:30 PM CET

Photo: Wiki Commons
Photo: Wiki Commons
Amidst global tensions, Russia expresses a hopeful tone for rekindling ties with Europe, according to Deputy Svetlana Zhurova.

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Svetlana Zhurova, the first deputy chair of the Committee on International Affairs in the Russian State Duma, expressed optimism about the potential restoration of relations between Russia and Europe.

Her comments align with the sentiments expressed by French President Emmanuel Macron during his vision for Europe's future at the Sorbonne. This is reported by Lenta.

Macron's Call for Future Engagement

President Macron's speech highlighted the necessity for Europe to prepare for a relationship with Russia post-conflict in Ukraine.

He stressed the importance of Europe needing a new strategy for growth and development to mitigate significant risks in the coming years.

Moreover, Macron advocated for a less dependent Europe, suggesting the creation of a rapid reaction force of up to five thousand military personnel by 2025.

People Over Politics

Zhurova emphasized that the desire to restore diplomatic ties is not just a political issue but also a societal one.

"It's not always about the politicians; it's about the people and businesses that are keen to interact with Russia even now, despite political barriers," she explained.

According to Zhurova, even if current politics restrict engagement due to existing norms on how to relate to Russia, there is still significant support from people who favor restoring ties but may be hesitant to express it.

A Mutual Interest

Both sides are purportedly interested in reconciliation.

"This is a matter of mutual benefit and understanding. Restoring relationships should focus not just on leaders but fundamentally on the people and businesses affected," Zhurova shared.