Russia suffers significant losses in single day of conflict against ukraine

Written by Jeppe W

Oct.19 - 2023 8:47 AM CET

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The ongoing war between Russia and Ukraine witnessed a significant day of Russian military losses on October 18th, as reported by the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

The losses, which reflect a mere day of combat, include 630 servicemen, an aircraft, a helicopter, an air defense system, 11 tanks, 17 armored combat vehicles, and 39 artillery systems.

The data release on October 19th provides a cumulative tally of Russia's losses since the war's onset on February 24, 2022.

As of now, the approximate total combat losses for the Russian army stand at:

  • Personnel: 290,680

  • Tanks: 4,992

  • Armored combat vehicles: 9,437

  • Artillery systems: 6,983

  • MLRS (Multiple Launch Rocket Systems): 818

  • Air defense systems: 548

  • Aircraft: 320

  • Helicopters: 324

  • Operational and tactical UAVs: 5,318

  • Cruise missiles: 1,534

  • Ships/boats: 20

  • Submarines: 1

  • Motor vehicles and tank trucks: 9,337

  • Special equipment: 985

It's important to note that the figures are currently being clarified and are subject to change as more accurate data becomes available.

The report from the General Staff also detailed the activities of Ukrainian Defense Forces' aviation, which carried out a total of 15 strikes on Russian concentrations of personnel, weapons, and military equipment.

Three additional strikes were directed at the enemy's anti-aircraft missile systems. Ukrainian forces succeeded in destroying a Russian Su-25 aircraft and 5 operational-tactical reconnaissance UAVs on the same day.

Furthermore, missile units of the Ukrainian armed forces targeted and hit two Russian control points, the Tor anti-aircraft missile system, the Zoopark-1M radar station, and 11 enemy artillery units.