Russian Claims: Finland on the Verge of Becoming the 'Second Ukraine'

Written by Henrik Rothen

Jan.22 - 2024 1:27 PM CET

'Finland on the Verge of Becoming the 'Second Ukraine''

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Russia and Vladimir Putin are once again turning their attention to the Nordic region.

Finland's membership and Sweden's application to NATO have stirred emotions in Moscow.

Now, Denmark is also added to the list of problematic countries for Russia.

This comes after the Danes entered into a new agreement with the USA, granting the Americans access to military bases on Danish territory.

"A conscious course towards further deterioration of the military-political situation," says Vladimir Barbin, the Russian ambassador to Denmark, in an interview with Russian Ria Novosti.

"Finland New Ukraine"

The Russian ambassador claims that the agreement creates “new challenges” and he states that Russia will consider “necessary responses” to such actions.

However, Russian threats against the Nordics do not stop there.

According to a Russian informant, who is said by the think tank ISW to have close ties to the Putin regime, Finland is also being aggressively targeted.

The reason is stated to be the same as in Denmark's case – the adoption of new military cooperation with the USA.

“A prominent Russian military blogger, who is linked to the Kremlin, has claimed that Finland is becoming a 'second Ukraine' in response to a similar American-Finnish agreement,” highlights ISW.

Sweden Signed a Similar Agreement

The agreement between Denmark and the USA was signed in December 2023.

It is described as a shift in the Danish nation's defense policy.

In the same month, Sweden also signed an agreement very similar to the Danish-American counterpart – the "Defence Cooperation Agreement" (DCA).

“The agreement strengthens both Sweden’s and our neighboring countries' regional security by signaling the US commitment and actual presence,” the government emphasized when the agreement was finalized.

"Better Conditions in War"

Sweden's agreement also means that the USA gets access to Swedish military bases.

“We have been partners, and we will soon become allies when Sweden becomes a full member of NATO. But the bilateral relationship with the USA is also very strong, and through this agreement, we will be better positioned to receive help and support from the USA in case of crisis or war,” said Defense Minister Pål Jonson to Swedish Radio in December.