Russian TV threatens nuclear annihilation of Stockholm

Written by Henrik Rothen

Nov.12 - 2023 7:27 PM CET

Photo: Youtube/ Wikipedia Commons
Photo: Youtube/ Wikipedia Commons
Russian TV threatens nuclear annihilation of Stockholm.

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In a chilling broadcast on Russia's state-controlled Channel 1, defense expert and former colonel Mikhail Khodaryonok issued a stark warning to NATO countries, particularly targeting Stockholm and Tallinn. Khodaryonok, known for his blunt rhetoric, suggested that Russia could obliterate these cities with underwater nuclear explosions.

This alarming statement is part of a broader narrative frequently presented on Russian TV, portraying Russia as locked in a struggle against a hostile West.

"I ask you(Sweden), 215 years without war. Do you really want this? Shut up, because you are not in NATO yet and already acting as if you are holier than the pope. Can you imagine an underwater nuclear weapon explosion near Tallinn and Stockholm that will obliterate you?" he says, pointing at a map

The program, which often ends with scenarios showcasing Russian military superiority, including nuclear warfare, is seen as a key element of the Kremlin's propaganda efforts.

These broadcasts aim to bolster domestic support for the government by depicting Russia as a besieged fortress, standing strong against external threats.

You can watch the video below

Hugo von Essen, an Eastern Europe expert, cautions against taking these threats at face value.

He emphasizes that such extreme scenarios are typical of Russian state TV propaganda, designed more to intimidate and rally domestic audiences than to signal actual military intentions.

This latest episode underscores the heightened tensions between Russia and NATO countries, particularly in the context of the ongoing conflict in Ukraine and the Baltic region. ,

The use of such apocalyptic rhetoric on state television reflects the Kremlin's strategy to maintain a narrative of defiance and strength, even as it faces increasing international isolation and economic sanctions.