Secret Google Maps Trick Sparks Debate: Alerts Drivers to Police Presence

Written by Kathrine Frich

Jul.31 - 2024 9:47 AM CET

Photo: Shutterstock
Photo: Shutterstock
Users have discovered a covert method to warn of police presence.

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In recent developments, Google Maps users in Bengaluru, India, have discovered a covert method to warn of police presence, creating a stir among drivers and technology enthusiasts.

Reporting current police presence

While Google Maps offers comprehensive real-time data like traffic updates and accident reports, it notably lacks a feature present in its competitor, Waze, which alerts users about nearby police officers, according to El Economista.

Waze, owned by Google, has a popular feature that notifies users about police locations, which, while controversial, is legal as long as it doesn't forecast police actions. The feature's legality rests on the distinction between reporting current police presence and predicting future movements.

Growing Popularity

The recent buzz involves a clever workaround for Google Maps. Users have been inputting "Police irt" or "Police irthare" (translated as "Beware of Police") into the app’s search bar.

This search term triggers results that highlight areas where police are likely stationed, thanks to user-generated landmarks on the map. The tactic allows drivers to navigate away from these spots, potentially avoiding fines or other legal troubles.

This workaround relies on Google Maps’ capability for users to set custom points of interest. By marking locations where police commonly set up, users in Bengaluru have effectively created a hidden alert system within the app.

Although this practice is currently unregulated by Google, its growing popularity could prompt the tech giant to intervene to prevent misuse.