Surprising move by Putin: Abolishes extreme rule

Written by Henrik Rothen

Nov.02 - 2023 8:24 AM CET

Surprising move by Putin.

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Vladimir Putin, Russia's president, has recently eased the strict quarantine rules he had in place due to his fear of contracting COVID-19, according to The Moscow Times.

Previously, anyone who wished to be in the same room as Putin had to undergo extensive testing and a two-week isolation period, observed by government officials.

This rule was so strict that Putin has not met with his government in person for three and a half years, with all meetings taking place via video link.

However, in recent weeks, the Kremlin has begun to relax these rules.

Now, if a person stays at least 3-5 meters away from Putin, they can forgo the quarantine period and simply get tested for COVID-19. This change is believed to be in preparation for the Russian presidential election next year, as it is important for Putin to be seen in public.

The extent of Putin's fear of COVID-19 has been well-documented. For example, when French President Emmanuel Macron visited Moscow before the invasion, the two leaders sat six meters apart at a long table because Macron had refused to take a coronavirus test administered by Russian doctors.

This refusal was in line with French law, which prohibits the transfer of genetic material to another state.