US Imposes Sanctions on Palestinian Group in West Bank

Written by Kathrine Frich

Jun.06 - 2024 6:02 PM CET

Photo: Shutterstock
Photo: Shutterstock
The Department of State has taken decisive action today

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Unveiling Militant Actions

The Department of State has taken decisive action today, imposing sanctions on "Lions’ Den," a militant Palestinian group operating in the heart of Nablus's Old City in the West Bank.

This move comes in a pressrelease as a response to a series of violent incidents perpetrated by Lions’ Den members, threatening the peace and stability of the region.

Acts of Aggression

In October 2022, Lions’ Den claimed responsibility for a spate of drive-by shootings targeting Israeli vehicles near the settlement of Elon Moreh, resulting in injuries to a taxi driver and damage to vehicles. Additionally, shots were fired towards the West Bank settlement of Har Bracha during another attack.

The group further escalated tensions by injuring and killing Palestinian civilians in clashes with Palestinian Authority Security Forces in Nablus in September 2022. Most recently, in April 2024, Lions’ Den fighters reportedly engaged Israeli forces at a checkpoint in Nablus using small arms, as documented by Palestinian media.

Commitment to Peace and Stability

According to the press release from The Department of State

"The united states strongly condemns all acts of violence in the West Bank, regardless of the perpetrators. Utilizing available tools, the US government remains steadfast in its commitment to identifying and holding accountable those who pose a threat to the peace and stability of the region."

Today's designation of Lions’ Den underscores the gravity of their actions and serves as a warning against further aggression.

Individuals seeking removal from the SDN List may submit petitions for reconsideration to, with further guidance available on the Department of State’s Delisting Guidance page.