US Senate Sends Message to Putin: It's Too Early to Celebrate

Written by Camilla Jessen

Apr.22 - 2024 7:54 AM CET

It is too early for Putin to uncork the champagne, according to Blumenthal.

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In the United States, Democratic Senator Richard Blumenthal applauded the House of Representatives for approving foreign aid for Ukraine, Israel, and Taiwan, describing it as a strong message to the world's dictators.

Blumenthal, commenting on the House vote, cited Lithuania's Foreign Minister Gabrielus Landsbergis, who said, "I'm glad you're back, America."

"I think America is on the offensive again, and this is a sign that we can come together in a bipartisan way for our national security and send a message to Vladimir Putin, Xi Jinping, and the world's dictators—it's too early to uncork the champagne, but America is going to defend democracy," Blumenthal stated, as reported by Voice of America.

House Approval and Next Steps in the Senate

The senator reiterated that the US has the capacity to protect its allies.

"We can produce the necessary artillery shells, long-range artillery, and assault weapons. We can also impose sanctions, confiscate Russian assets, and sell them to provide more resources for Ukraine," the Democratic senator added.

On Saturday, the US House of Representatives passed a bill for foreign aid to Ukraine. A total of 311 members of the lower house voted in favor, while 112 opposed it.

The bill is expected to be submitted to the Senate for consideration as an amendment to the Senate's US international assistance bill, HR.815, which was passed in February. This should expedite the approval process in the Senate.

The leader of the Democratic majority in the US Senate, Chuck Schumer, announced that the Senate will vote on the bill on Tuesday, April 23.

US President Joe Biden has promised to sign the approved bill into law.

Impact on Military Assistance to Ukraine

The passage of the bill is expected to speed up military aid to Ukraine. Pentagon officials have indicated that some weapons and military equipment could be delivered to Ukrainian forces within a week after the completion of all legislative procedures.