Heartwarming video shows student left in tears after getting his biology grade

Written by Henrik Rothen

Nov.10 - 2023 12:07 PM CET

Photo: Instagram
Photo: Instagram
Heartwarming video shows student left in tears after getting his biology grade.

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An Instagram video capturing a student's emotional moment after learning he achieved the highest grade in his biology class has resonated with viewers, amassing over 1.3 million views in a single day.

The student, overwhelmed with emotion, breaks into tears upon discovering he scored the top mark in the class for the first time ever.

This poignant scene was shared on the Instagram page Good News Movement, accompanied by a heartening caption, “Love to see it! This young man becomes emotional when he receives the news that he has the highest grade in biology. Keep going. We are rooting for you!”

The video's opening text reveals the depth of the student's achievement: “This young man was just told he has the highest grade in biology class, he told me he has never had the highest grade in any of his classes. He broke down and cried and didn't care what his classmates thought, all I could do was hug and celebrate with him.”

Instagram users have poured in their support and admiration for the student’s accomplishment. Comments range from predicting a bright future in fields like medicine or biochemistry to highlighting the significance of this moment as a pivotal memory in his life. 

Watch the heartwarming video below