A tattoo artist has decorated a pony with an eye-catching skull to give it "self-confidence"

Written by webmaster

May.31 - 2017 7:00 PM CET

A tattooist named Benjamin Lloyd has created debate on the social media with pictures of a decorated horse.

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A tattooist named Benjamin Lloyd has created debate on the social media with pictures of a decorated horse. 

The tattoo artist from New Zealand has created a lively debate with some pics of a pony, which currently circulates on social media.

The pictures show Benjamin Lloyd sitting on the white pony, which he is decorating with a big tattoo of a skull.

According to Daily Mail.

Foto: Facebook/Benjamin Lloyd

- I love to boost the horse's self-esteem with a custom-made tattoo. 50 likes and I will tattoo a lion (airbrushed - not permanent), Benjamin Lloyd writes under the pictures of the horse, he shared on his Facebook page.

The controversial images have gone live on the popular media with more than 38,000 shares, 32,000 reactions and 3,000 comments, since they were shared in November 2016.

Several users admire Benjamin Lloyd's work:

Foto: Facebook/Benjamin Lloyd

- Oh, I want my horse fixed too. Totally amazing, says an impressed user.

Others, however, are less impressed about the alternative decoration:

- I just can't believe that anyone would do this to a horse. Are you pulling my leg? Do you really believe that this animal wants to be airbrushed?? No, an angry user writes, while another one joins in:

Please stop tattooing animals. It just makes idiots arounbd the world tattoo their dogs with a real needle. I am aware, you are using airbrush, but the idiots without any brain cells don't, and they abuse animals. Animals do not ask to be tattooed.

Benjamin Lloyd has 'tattooed' many children with airbrush with the intention of giving  them more self-confidence. He would use a custom made ink without toxins that can be washed off in the bathroom. 

The tattooist was bullied as a child because of a combustion on his one hand. Eventually he made a drawing on his hand, causing the situation to change:

- I just got better and better. Eventually I had a line of people who wanted me to draw on them. I made barter deals with other kids for cards and marble balls, says Benjamin Lloyd to Stuff NZ, who has shared several pics of children with airbrush tattoos on Facebook:

Photo: Facebook/Benjamin Lloyd

Photo: Facebook/Benjamin Lloyd

Photo: Facebook/Benjamin Lloyd