Georgia Faces Heightened Terror Threat Linked to Ukraine Conflict

Written by Kathrine Frich

Jul.29 - 2024 10:10 PM CET

Photo: Shutterstock
Photo: Shutterstock
Georgia faces significant risks of terrorist attacks, according to Georgian Prime Minister

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Georgia continues to face significant risks of terrorist attacks as long as the armed conflict in Ukraine persists, according to Georgian Prime Minister Irakli Kobakhidze.

An Ongoing Threat

Speaking in an interview with the Georgian television channel "Imedi," Kobakhidze highlighted the ongoing threat posed by the geopolitical instability in the region, according to Tass.

The Prime Minister expressed hope that the conflict in Ukraine would end by next year, which he believes is critical for reducing the security risks in Georgia.

"As long as the war in Ukraine continues, these risks will remain in our country," Kobakhidze stated, underscoring the direct link between the regional conflict and the potential for terrorist acts in Georgia.

Assassination Plot

Kobakhidze also drew parallels between alleged assassination plots against high-profile figures such as Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico and U.S. presidential candidate Donald Trump with the recent case involving Bidzina Ivanishvili, the founder of the ruling Georgian Dream - Democratic Georgia party.

The Georgian State Security Service (SSG) announced an investigation into a plot to assassinate Ivanishvili, reportedly orchestrated by former Georgian officials now residing in Ukraine. The alleged goal of these conspirators was to incite unrest and destabilize the Georgian government.

The investigation has led to criminal charges, including preparation of a terrorist act and conspiracy or coup aimed at violently altering Georgia's constitutional order.
