NATO Accuses China of Aiding Russia's War Efforts

Written by Kathrine Frich

Jul.11 - 2024 10:15 AM CET

Photo: Shutterstock
Photo: Shutterstock
NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg voiced strong concerns about China's support for Russia

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As NATO marks its 75th anniversary, the summit in Washington has been dominated by concerns over the strategic partnership between Russia and China.

China Provides Dual-Use Equipment

According to Liternaute U.S. President Joe Biden, amid questions about his health and readiness for the upcoming presidential election against Donald Trump, is hosting this critical meeting of leaders from the 32 NATO countries.

NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg voiced strong concerns about China's support for Russia's "illegal war of aggression against Ukraine."

He accused China of providing dual-use equipment, such as microprocessors, which Russia utilizes to manufacture missiles, bombs, and other military hardware. This claim has been formally recognized by NATO member states, sending a stern message to Beijing.

China responded on Thursday, condemning NATO's statements as reminiscent of Cold War rhetoric and calling for the Alliance to stop provoking confrontation. The Chinese mission to the European Union emphasized that NATO should focus more on global peace and stability rather than inciting rivalry.

Expanding Influence in Asia

The final day of the summit will partly focus on China, with leaders from Japan, South Korea, Australia, and New Zealand joining the discussions. This move has raised Beijing's concerns about NATO's expanding influence in Asia.

NATO's declaration underscores the perceived threat from China, including cyberattacks, disinformation, and hybrid activities, which pose significant risks to global security. The Alliance has accused China of exacerbating the threat Russia poses to its neighbors and Euro-Atlantic security.

Sweden has called for intensified NATO efforts regarding China to maintain U.S. support, especially given Donald Trump's critical stance on the Alliance. Swedish Foreign Minister Tobias Billstrom emphasized that Asia should also be recognized as a concern for NATO.
