Russia Blames Ukraine for Car Bomb Attack, Releases Suspect’s Confession

Written by Kathrine Frich

Jul.26 - 2024 10:48 AM CET

photo: Screenshot
photo: Screenshot
Serebirakov claims he was recruited by the Ukrainian Security Service (SBU) last year.

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Russia released a video featuring a Russian citizen, Evgeny Serebirakov, who confessed to carrying out a car bomb attack on a Russian military officer earlier this week in Moscow.

Ukrainian Security Service

According to the Federal Security Service (FSB), Serebirakov was extradited from Turkey and handed over to Russian authorities for questioning.

In the video, which has been edited to obscure some references, Serebirakov claims he was recruited by the Ukrainian Security Service (SBU) last year, according to Ziare.

He alleges that he was instructed to kill a military officer and was promised Ukrainian citizenship and a monetary reward of $10,000 to $20,000 for his efforts. Serebirakov describes how he assembled a homemade bomb at the request of his Ukrainian handler and placed it under the officer’s vehicle.

Severly Injured

The incident occurred on July 24, when a car bomb exploded in a residential area in northern Moscow. The vehicle, identified as a Toyota Land Cruiser, was parked in front of what appeared to be a residential complex.

The explosion severely injured the officer, Andrei Torgashov, and his wife. Russian Interior Ministry officials confirmed that two people were injured and a criminal case was opened.

The FSB's allegations and the release of the confession have added another layer of tension to the ongoing conflict between Russia and Ukraine. The incident is part of a broader pattern of hostilities, with both nations frequently accusing each other of espionage and sabotage.

The Turkish authorities arrested Serebirakov in Bodrum after he arrived from Moscow.
