Russia Requires Military Registration for New Citizens or Revokes Citizenship

Written by Kathrine Frich

Jul.31 - 2024 1:49 PM CET

Photo: Shutterstock
Photo: Shutterstock
The Russian State Duma just passed a new law requiring foreigners to register for military service or face revocation of their citizenship.

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The Russian State Duma recently passed a new law requiring foreign nationals who acquire Russian citizenship to register for military service or face revocation of their citizenship.

All Male Citizens are Immediately Enrolled

According to Tass this legislation, approved on July 31, aims to streamline the integration process by synchronizing the procedures for military registration and citizenship acquisition.

According to the law, before foreign men receive their Russian citizenship and passport, the Ministry of Internal Affairs must electronically submit their information to the military registration database.

This requirement ensures that new male citizens are immediately enrolled for potential military service. The law is part of amendments to the existing legislation on military duty and military service.

Ensuring Compliance With Military Obligations

The State Duma's session, broadcasted on its official portal, highlighted the law's focus on enhancing national security and ensuring compliance with military obligations.

The legislative body emphasized that those failing to meet the military registration requirement would lose their Russian citizenship. This measure is part of a broader effort to enforce strict rules on new citizens, particularly concerning military service obligations.

State Duma Speaker Vyacheslav Volodin previously announced plans to discuss this legislation, which has received widespread support among deputies.

The new rules aim to make the process more orderly and efficient, ensuring that all new citizens fulfill their duties to the state. This move reflects Russia's increasing focus on strengthening its military capabilities and maintaining a robust defense posture.
