Russia Shows Off Nuclear Might with New Military Drills

Written by Kathrine Frich

Sep.19 - 2024 11:15 AM CET

Photo: ID1974 /
Photo: ID1974 /
These new exercises are designed to showcase Russia's nuclear forces.

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The Russian Ministry of Defense has announced the commencement of military drills involving mobile RS-24 Yars nuclear missile launchers, marking the latest in a series of such exercises over recent months.

Showcase Readiness of Nuclear Forces

The previous drills took place in July 2024, and these new exercises are designed to showcase the capabilities and readiness of Russia's nuclear forces.

The drills will involve maneuvering the RS-24 Yars launchers over distances of 100 kilometers, repositioning units, and deploying engineering equipment while establishing camouflage, according to WP.

Conducted in the Ivanovo region, northeast of Moscow, these exercises will also include training to counter sabotage groups, reflecting Russia’s heightened military vigilance.

A Full Nuclear Triad

The RS-24 Yars is a key component of Russia's unique nuclear strategy, which relies on a nuclear triad capable of launching missiles from land, sea, and air.

Only a few global powers, including the United States, China, and India, possess a full nuclear triad. The RS-24 missiles, first tested in 2007 and operational since 2010, are set to remain in service until at least 2050.

These intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs) can carry up to six independent nuclear warheads, each with a yield of up to 300 kilotons. With a range of 11,000 kilometers, the RS-24 Yars can strike nearly any location worldwide.

The launchers are transported by vehicles capable of speeds up to 45 kilometers per hour, covering 500 kilometers in a single trip.
