Russian Citizen Arrested for Plotting Terrorism Under Ukrainian Orders

Written by Kathrine Frich

Aug.05 - 2024 9:31 AM CET

Photo: Shutterstock
Photo: Shutterstock
FSB agents have arrested a Russian national accused of planning a terrorist attack.

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Russian Federal Security Service (FSB) agents have arrested a Russian national accused of planning a terrorist attack on officials in the Zaporizhzhia region, allegedly under the direction of Ukrainian intelligence services.

Collecting and Sharing Information

According to Tass the FSB's press office for the region confirmed the arrest, revealing details about the plot and subsequent investigation.

According to the FSB, the suspect, a resident of Zaporizhzhia, was involved in collecting and sharing information about local military-civilian administration officials via Telegram and Threema.

This information was reportedly provided to the Ukrainian Main Intelligence Directorate (GUR), which then directed the suspect to carry out a terrorist attack.

Seized Explosive Devices

The FSB’s statement indicated that a homemade explosive device was discovered and seized from the suspect's residence.

The FSB has launched two criminal cases against the individual. The charges include treason (Article 275), preparation for a terrorist act (Article 30, Part 2, Subparagraph "a" of Article 205), and illegal manufacture of explosives (Article 223.1, Part 3) under the Russian Criminal Code.

The FSB’s actions and the severity of the charges emphasize Russia’s commitment to countering threats it perceives from Ukrainian intelligence and other external actors.

The case is part of a larger pattern of heightened security and surveillance in the region, as both countries remain engaged in a protracted and volatile conflict.
