Russian Forces Accused of Barbaric Execution of Ukrainian POW with Sword

Written by Kathrine Frich

Sep.18 - 2024 9:10 AM CET

The execution reportedly took place in Novogrodovka, in the Donetsk region.

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The Ukrainian Commissioner for Human Rights, Dmitro Lubinets, has reported another alleged war crime committed by Russian forces.

Sword With Inscription

According to Lubinets and Ziare, Russian troops executed an unarmed Ukrainian prisoner of war (POW) using a sword.

The prisoner had his hands bound with tape and was unarmed at the time of the execution. This disturbing report was shared on Telegram, with Lubinets calling the act a clear attempt to demoralize the Ukrainian people.

A photograph of the incident, which has circulated on social media, shows the Ukrainian soldier lying on the ground, with a sword inscribed with the words "For Kursk" embedded in his chest.

The inscription is believed to reference Ukraine’s occupation of part of the Kursk region in Russia.

How Long Will the World Stand By

Lubinets condemned the execution as a violation of the Geneva Conventions, which outline the humane treatment of POWs. "The level of barbarism and bloodlust is incomprehensible," he said. "How long will the world stand by as Russia blatantly disregards international laws and norms?"

The execution reportedly took place in Novogrodovka, in the Donetsk region, where Russian forces are advancing. Lubinets has since contacted international organizations, including the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) and the United Nations, to document this latest violation of human rights by Russia.

While Lubinets has received numerous reports of alleged executions of Ukrainian defenders since the war began, he emphasized the challenge of holding those responsible accountable.

He also noted the troubling trend of Russian soldiers recording such brutal acts on video, further demonstrating the extent of these atrocities.
