Russian Jets Intercept U.S. Bombers Near Russian Border

Written by Kathrine Frich

Jul.21 - 2024 11:59 AM CET

Photo: Wiki Commons
Photo: Wiki Commons
The Russian fighter jets forced the American aircraft to change course.

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Russian MiG-29 and MiG-31 fighter jets intercepted U.S. B-52H strategic bombers approaching the Russian border over the Barents Sea, according to Lenta.

Identify and Intercept

The Russian fighter jets forced the American aircraft to change course. This incident, which occurred on July 21, was confirmed by the Russian Ministry of Defense.

The Russian Defense Ministry reported that a group of airborne targets was detected heading towards the Russian border over the Barents Sea.

In response, Russian fighter jets were scrambled to identify and intercept the targets, which were identified as U.S. Air Force B-52H bombers. As the Russian jets approached, the American bombers altered their flight path, thus avoiding a border violation.

Solely Aimed at Securing Border

According to the Ministry, the Russian jets operated in compliance with international airspace usage regulations, emphasizing that their actions were solely aimed at securing Russia’s state borders. The fighter jets successfully returned to their bases after the mission.

"On July 21, a group of airborne targets approaching the state border was detected over the Barents Sea. MiG-29 and MiG-31 fighters were deployed to identify and prevent a border violation. The targets were identified as a pair of U.S. Air Force B-52H strategic bombers," the Ministry stated.

The Ministry added that upon the approach of the Russian fighters, the American bombers turned away from the state border. The statement concluded by affirming that there was no violation of the Russian state border and that the Russian aircraft safely returned to their home bases.
