Russian MT-LB Armored Vehicles Near Extinction Due to Heavy Losses in Ukraine

Written by Kathrine Frich

Jul.24 - 2024 10:19 PM CET

Photo: shutterstock
Photo: shutterstock
According to Ukrainian defense analysts these vehicles have become increasingly rare due to substantial losses

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Russian MT-LB armored personnel carriers, once a staple of the Russian military, are now rapidly disappearing from the battlefield in Ukraine.

Staggering Loss

According to Ukrainian defense analysts, including military expert Oleksandr Kowalenko, these vehicles have become increasingly rare due to substantial losses writes Tech.

The MT-LB, a floating armored vehicle from the 1960s, was once the second most common infantry vehicle in Russian service. However, recent analysis reveals that the Russian Federation has exhausted its reserves of these vehicles.

The current loss tally is staggering. Analysts have documented the destruction of approximately 1,180 MT-LBs through photographs and video footage. However, Kowalenko suggests that this figure represents only a fraction of the total losses, estimating that the true number of destroyed MT-LBs is closer to 2,950.

3000 destroyed units

Prior to the conflict, Russia had around 3,000 MT-LBs in service. This number was later bolstered by an additional 2,485 units pulled from storage, bringing the total to 5,785. Yet, these numbers have proven to be optimistic, as the once-ubiquitous MT-LBs have nearly vanished from the front lines.

Kowalenko also challenges the initial estimates of the number of MT-LBs available before the war, arguing that the actual losses align more closely with his figures of nearly 3,000 destroyed units. This substantial attrition underscores the severe impact of the ongoing conflict on Russian armored capabilities.

The MT-LB, equipped with a 240-horsepower engine and capable of speeds up to 60 km/h on land, was primarily used for troop transport. Its design allowed for various modifications, including rocket launchers and anti-aircraft guns. Despite its historical significance, the MT-LB's presence in Ukraine has diminished significantly, marking a notable shift in the landscape of armored warfare.
