Russia's Navy to Conduct Massive Drills Across Multiple Fleets

Written by Kathrine Frich

Jul.30 - 2024 9:44 AM CET

Photo: Shutterstock
Photo: Shutterstock
The Russian Navy is gearing up for a major series of military exercises.

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The Russian Navy is gearing up for a major series of military exercises, involving a significant portion of its maritime forces.

300 Ships and Submarines

According to Ziare the training will encompass units from the Pacific Fleet, Baltic Fleet, and Caspian Flotilla, with a particularly large deployment in the Pacific Ocean. In total, more than 550 units, including aircraft, will participate in these maneuvers.

According to the TASS news agency, the exercises will involve approximately 300 surface ships, submarines, and support vessels, around 50 aircraft, and over 200 units of military and specialized equipment. This comprehensive training effort showcases the capabilities and readiness of Russia's four primary fleets and the Caspian Flotilla.

Numerous Military Exercises

Since launching its invasion of Ukraine in February 2022, Russia has conducted numerous military exercises, both independently and in cooperation with other nations, such as China and South Africa.

In recent months, Russia has also carried out drills involving mobile nuclear missile launchers and tactical nuclear weapon deployments. Additionally, military training with Belarus, a key ally and neighbor to both Russia and Ukraine, has intensified, including a series of joint exercises.

These exercises highlight Russia's continued focus on maintaining and enhancing its military readiness amidst ongoing geopolitical tensions and conflicts.

The inclusion of a wide array of naval and aerial assets underscores the scale and scope of the drills, reflecting the strategic importance placed on these training activities by the Russian military.
