Russia's Rocket Arsenal Proves to Be Limitless

Written by Kathrine Frich

Sep.22 - 2024 4:20 PM CET

This surge in missile availability enables Russia to accumulate arsenals over two to three months.

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Russia is capable of producing more than 170 long-range ballistic and cruise missiles each month, according to a recent report by the Ukrainian agency Unian.

42-115 Missiles Per Month

This capacity allows the Kremlin to stockpile weapons and conduct mass strikes at longer intervals, raising concerns about the ongoing conflict in Ukraine.

Forbes cited sources within intelligence circles, revealing that Russia's current missile production rates range from 42 to 56 ballistic missiles and 90 to 115 cruise missiles per month, according to WP.

This surge in missile availability enables Russia to accumulate arsenals over two to three months for significant attacks, thus presenting a tactical advantage during large-scale offensives.

Iskander-M and Kalibr Missiles

Despite facing severe economic repercussions from Western sanctions, which have impacted not only the defense sector but also the Russian space agency, Roskosmos, the Kremlin continues to manufacture substantial quantities of advanced weaponry.

Reports indicate that the Russian military currently possesses 130 Iskander-M missiles, 55 Kinzhal missiles, and approximately 350 Kalibr cruise missiles.

The Iskander-M is particularly noteworthy, boasting a range of about 500 kilometers and a maximum speed of 7 Mach, making it challenging to intercept. With a precision of approximately 30 meters, this missile can accurately strike critical targets.

The Kalibr missiles, including the 3M14 variant with a range of 2,500 kilometers, are designed for ground attacks, while the 3M54 variant is optimized for targeting naval vessels.
