Swarms of Maritime Drones Will Make Up for Ukraine's Lack of Warships

Written by Kathrine Frich

Jun.25 - 2024 9:18 PM CET

Photo: Shutterstock
Photo: Shutterstock
Ukraine has pioneered a new approach using maritime drones to simulate the capabilities of warships.

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In a bold response to the loss of its conventional navy following Russia’s annexation of Crimea in 2014, Ukraine has pioneered a new approach using maritime drones to simulate the capabilities of warships.

According to Ziare Brigadier General Ivan Lukashevich, leading Ukraine’s drone naval fleet, revealed in an interview with The Wall Street Journal that these unmanned vessels have already targeted and damaged part of Russia’s Black Sea fleet and inflicted damage on the Kerch Bridge.

Development of Drone Technology in Ukrainian Defense Strategy

Under Lukashevich’s leadership, Ukraine has developed several types of specialized maritime drones, including the Sea Baby and Magura V5 models.

These drones have been credited with strategic successes, such as mine-laying operations that have disrupted Russian naval activities in the Black Sea.

The integration of Western-supplied technologies, like the Grad multiple rocket launcher system mounted on Sea Baby drones, underscores Ukraine’s innovative approach to maritime defense.

Strategic Impact and Future Prospects

The deployment of maritime drones equipped with explosive mines has proven effective in targeting Russian warships, damaging vessels like the missile corvette Samum and the patrol ship Pavel Derjavin.

As Ukraine continues to refine its drone capabilities, focusing on both offensive and defensive measures, the international community watches closely.

The shift towards drone-led naval strategies represents a significant adaptation in modern warfare, demonstrating Ukraine’s resilience and determination amidst ongoing geopolitical challenges.
