Trump’s Ukraine Policy Could Lead to Major Concessions to Russia

Written by Kathrine Frich

Jul.21 - 2024 12:23 PM CET

Photo: Evan El-Amin /
Photo: Evan El-Amin /
Bolton expressed serious concerns about Trump's potential policy towards Ukraine.

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Former U.S. President Donald Trump's approach to the Ukraine conflict could result in significant concessions to Russia if he wins the upcoming election.

This warning comes from John Bolton, a former White House advisor during Trump’s administration, according to URA.

Bolton's Concerns About Trump's Stance

In an interview with CNN, Bolton expressed serious concerns about Trump's potential policy towards Ukraine. "Trump has no idea how he plans to negotiate an end to the [Ukrainian] conflict, but I believe his commitment to Vladimir Putin (President of Russia) will lead to concessions to the Russian side that would be devastating for Ukraine," Bolton said. He emphasized the importance of U.S. support for Ukraine, not out of charity, but because it aligns with American national security interests.

Trump's Promises on Ukraine

Trump has repeatedly claimed that he would be able to stop the conflict in Ukraine if he becomes president again, asserting that he could achieve this within 24 hours. Recently, Trump had a phone conversation with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky that lasted 15-20 minutes. During this call, the two leaders agreed to meet in person to discuss how to establish a fair and lasting peace.

Implications for U.S. Foreign Policy

Bolton's statements highlight a significant potential shift in U.S. foreign policy under a possible second Trump administration. Trump's perceived affinity for Putin and his approach to international diplomacy could lead to a dramatic change in how the U.S. handles the Ukraine conflict. Such a shift could have profound implications for Ukraine's future and the broader geopolitical landscape.
