U.S. Bombs Could Turn the Tide in Ukraine's Fight Against Russia

Written by Camilla Jessen

Oct.01 - 2024 1:58 PM CET

Photo: Soos Jozsef / Shutterstock.com
Photo: Soos Jozsef / Shutterstock.com
The U.S. is supplying Ukraine with advanced GBU-39/B bombs.

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The U.S. Department of Defense has confirmed that Ukraine will receive the GBU-39/B Small Diameter Bomb (SDB) as part of a multi-year deal with Boeing. These advanced bombs, which will be used with Western-supplied F-16 fighters, are expected to greatly enhance Ukraine’s precision airstrike capabilities.

Alongside Ukraine, Japan and Bulgaria are also slated to receive these bombs, which are scheduled for production until 2035.

Although details of the contract remain undisclosed, the acquisition of these bombs could be a game-changer in Ukraine's fight against Russian forces.

This news was covered by WP Tech.

What is the GBU-39/B?

First introduced to the U.S. Air Force in 2006, the GBU-39/B SDB is a precision-guided bomb designed to hit targets with extreme accuracy.

Despite its relatively light weight of 122 kg (about 270 pounds), the bomb packs a 93 kg warhead capable of penetrating fortified positions and causing significant damage.

It can be set to detonate in the air or after penetrating obstacles, such as reinforced walls or bunkers.

The bomb's foldable wings allow it to glide for several kilometers when dropped from high altitudes, giving it a range of up to 110 kilometers (68 miles). This allows fighter jets to strike targets from a safer distance, reducing their exposure to enemy air defenses.

Boosting Ukraine’s Combat Power

Once Ukraine integrates the GBU-39/B bombs with its F-16 fighters, it will have the ability to strike Russian positions more effectively. The bombs' precision and long range mean that Ukrainian forces can hit even heavily fortified targets without having to fly dangerously close to the front lines.

This increased range will help Ukrainian jets avoid short-range air defenses, enhancing both the safety and effectiveness of their missions. The bombs are particularly suited for taking out high-value targets, such as bunkers, command centers, and reinforced hangars at airbases.

Additionally, the F-16’s ability to carry multiple bombs allows for simultaneous strikes on various targets in one mission, maximizing the impact of each sortie.

Impact on the Conflict

With these bombs in their arsenal, Ukraine will be able to conduct more precise and devastating airstrikes against Russian forces. This could shift the dynamics of the conflict, giving Ukraine the ability to target critical infrastructure and fortified positions with greater confidence and fewer risks to its pilots.

As Ukraine continues to integrate Western military technology, tools like the GBU-39/B will likely play a critical role in its strategy to counter Russian advances and regain control of occupied territories.
