U.S. Mercenaries Join Ukrainian Soldiers in Kursk

Written by Kathrine Frich

Aug.21 - 2024 9:54 PM CET

Photo: Shutterstock
Photo: Shutterstock
Recent reports have surfaced about the presence of American mercenaries in Kursk.

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Recent reports have surfaced about the presence of American mercenaries in Russia’s Kursk region, particularly a group known as the Forward Observation Group (FOG). This follows ongoing speculation about foreign mercenaries operating alongside Ukrainian forces in the conflict with Russia.

Posing With Ukrainian Soldiers

Images shared on social media show FOG members posing with Ukrainian soldiers next to military vehicles, leading to heightened interest and concern. However, FOG representatives have refrained from commenting, citing directives from Ukrainian authorities, according to Lenta.

Originally founded by former U.S. Army paratrooper Derrick Beilz, FOG started as a brand selling military gear and tactical medical equipment.

Over time, it evolved into a community that attracted individuals with military backgrounds, some of whom are active-duty U.S. service members.

Notably, FOG does not fit the typical profile of a private military company; rather, it functions as a loosely organized group of volunteers without a formal command structure or specified missions.

Fighting With Ukraine since 2021

FOG members first arrived in Ukraine in 2021, aligning themselves with controversial groups such as the Azov Battalion. Their activities included combat training and operations in areas with significant fighting.

After the Russian invasion in 2022, FOG saw a surge in membership as many sought to join the fight against Russian forces.

However, the reality of combat proved harsh. A missile strike in March 2022 targeted foreign mercenaries at a training camp, resulting in substantial casualties and leading many to abandon their contracts.

Despite this, a core group remains active, sharing updates on their activities, which include training operations and combat missions.
