U.S. Military Trains with Rare T-72AG Tank for Tactical Insights

Written by Kathrine Frich

Sep.19 - 2024 1:19 PM CET

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Photo: X
The T-72AG is a modernized version of the widely-used T-72.

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During the Northern Strike 24 exercises, the U.S. Army’s 203rd Reconnaissance Battalion showcased a rare Soviet-origin tank—the T-72AG.

Only 60 Produced

With only around 60 units produced, this sighting highlights the unique approach the U.S. military is taking by utilizing foreign equipment to enhance training and operational capabilities.

The T-72AG is not the only piece of Russian hardware in American hands; the U.S. has also incorporated MiG-29 fighter jets into its arsenal for training and intelligence purposes, according to WP.

This strategic move allows American forces to gather critical insights into the capabilities of Russian machinery and develop counter-tactics.

Experiment With Tactics

The T-72AG, a modernized version of the widely-used T-72, serves a dual purpose.

Not only does it enable U.S. forces to validate their combat capabilities, but it also allows them to experiment with tactics that could be applicable in the ongoing conflict in Ukraine, where similar tanks are in use.

By working with this Soviet-era technology, American troops can assess how it integrates with Western systems and strategies.

The T-72AG boasts notable upgrades, including a powerful engine that delivers 1,000 horsepower, increasing its weight to 45.5 tons. It can reach speeds of up to 45 km/h.

Additionally, the tank features an improved targeting system for both day and night operations, enhancing its combat effectiveness. The inclusion of reactive armor, known as Kontakt-5, further boosts its survivability on the battlefield.
