U.S. to Deploy Most Powerful Weapons Since Cold War

Written by Kathrine Frich

Jul.11 - 2024 10:21 AM CET

Photo: Shutterstock
Photo: Shutterstock
It is the most formidable U.S. military assets stationed in Europe since the Cold War.

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In a move marking a significant shift in European defense policy, the United States announced plans to deploy long-range missiles in Germany starting in 2026.

Hypersonic Weapons

According to L'independent this deployment, revealed during the NATO summit in Washington, aims to bolster Europe’s defense against what allies perceive as an increasing threat from Russia.

These missiles, including the powerful SM-6, Tomahawk, and developing hypersonic weapons, will be the most formidable U.S. military assets stationed in Europe since the Cold War. The deployment underscores Washington’s commitment to European security and serves as a clear warning to Russian President Vladimir Putin.

The deployment of such weapons was previously prohibited under the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces (INF) Treaty, signed by the U.S. and the Soviet Union in 1987. However, this treaty was dissolved in 2019, allowing for the reintroduction of these capabilities.

Nato is Stronger Than Ever

NATO's joint statement emphasized the urgency of the move, stating, “We cannot rule out the possibility of an attack on the sovereignty and territorial integrity of allies.”

The alliance also announced plans to provide additional aid to Ukraine, which has been under Russian assault for nearly 29 months. This includes a commitment of at least 40 billion euros in military aid over the next year.

The summit also addressed concerns over China’s role in supporting Russia’s war efforts in Ukraine. NATO accused China of providing dual-use equipment to Russia, facilitating its military capabilities. In response, China condemned NATO's rhetoric as reminiscent of Cold War thinking and urged the alliance to contribute more to global peace and stability.

President Joe Biden, hosting the summit, declared NATO “stronger than ever” and reiterated the alliance’s commitment to defend every inch of its territory. Biden also celebrated the unity of NATO members in enhancing their defense industries and production capacities.
